How to Handle Personal Tragedies in Life

Unique Finance Group
5 min readJul 12, 2021
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Helping yourself is one of the simplest ways to heal from your loss after suffering a significant setback. Eventually, nobody but you are responsible for yourself and taking your life back together after a tragic loss or other tragedy.

But, how are you able to get through your pain and suffering when it’s debilitating, and it seems like there’s without stopping in view to your suffering? Here are some ways you’ll endure while browsing the stages of grief and eventually move forward together with your life.

Accept the loss

Accepting your loss may take a while, but you’ll find ways to assist you in getting there quicker with the top goal in mind. You would possibly desire you’ve been through the opposite four stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, and depression) multiple times. Don’t expect to urge to the acceptance stage in your grief overnight.

Photo by Jonatán Becerra on Unsplash

It helps once you take the grieving process slowly while also recognizing that your loss is permanent. Accepting that nothing in life will ever be equivalent again enables you to get over your loss sooner.

Surround yourself with supportive people

Everyone could utilize some guidance from others from time to time, particularly after experiencing a significant loss. Attempt to maintain an open relationship with others even once you don’t desire to see or lecture anyone.

Photo by Ball Park Brand on Unsplash

It’s okay to allow others to understand that you don’t feel up to socializing or getting a good company. But, while doing so, remember to precise your need for love, comfort, and support as you are trying to form a sense of your loss.

Forgive yourself

Coping with the death of an adult child, for instance, may leave you feeling guilty for not having done enough to stop their death or for being too strict on them growing up.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Regardless of the case, allow yourself forgiveness and acceptance that not everything is within your control.

Try to gain a unique perspective on their death so that you’ll alleviate a number of the responsibility you’ll be feeling.

Seek outside help

As you start to process your loss, you’ll enjoy the support of others who’ve suffered a similar tragedy.

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Support groups are available online to supply comfort as you share your experience with others who are there. They will assist you with ways in which have worked for them to urge past the pain and suffering of an identical loss.

Be present

Your presence is one of the simplest ways you’ll support a beloved browsing a tragedy or who has suffered a loss. Even once you do not know what to mention or what you’ll do to assist, being there for them is usually more important than any words you’ll say.

Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash

Try to remain present and available to your loved ones within the days and weeks following their loss. Continue with quick visits to see in on them, bring them food, or call and text them within the weeks following to remind them that you’re there and available to support them.

Avoid meaningless clichés

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

When expressing your love and support to a beloved faced with tragedy, avoid saying things that are meaningless or which will inadvertently be hurtful. If you do not know what to mention, say something simple and direct like, “I’m pitying your loss.”

Keeping it simple and easy lets your beloved know that you acknowledge their loss and support them through their grief. You’ll tailor your words to their situation to allow them to know that you’re attentive and feel for them. Reconsider figuring something private to them or telling their loved one’s name who has died.

Be compassionate and nonjudgmental.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Being supportive to someone facing tragedy may sometimes feel frustrating when the person you’re trying to assist is apathetic or unresponsive to your efforts. You’ll run out of things to mention or do before ever eliciting a response from them. Not everyone handling grief is generous in receiving support, especially when they’ve recently suffered a significant loss.

Resist making this about you and still communicate your support to your beloved. They’ll not be in a good place mentally and emotionally to accept any help directly. Give them time to process their loss and leave the door open whenever they’re ready.

Handle phone calls and social media

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

You may want to assist your beloved in making the initial phone calls to relations and friends advising them of their loss. Catch up, including declaring the settlements and providing further information about time and place.

Helping to urge this information out is a method you’ll help. Try to talk, coordinate, and manage the onslaught of phone calls, text messages, and social media inquiries that’ll come pouring in. Communicating with too many of us after a tragedy is often overwhelming for somebody handling a loss.

Let them share their story.

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

When somebody who’s felt hurt and disaster are permitted to share their tales, it brings them immense comfort as they process their loss. You’ll support your loved ones by recognizing and concerning their pain. Taking note of them as they share the small print of their loss will help them feel connected to you and allow them to know that you acknowledge their sorrow.

You don’t need to be a trained professional to supply care and support to your beloved. All you’ve got to try to do is be willing to concentrate on them as often as they feel the necessity to retell their story. A bereaved person may have to repeat their store to others repeatedly until their loss starts to sink in. Be prepared to concentrate on retelling equivalent details as long because it takes your beloved to manoeuvre through their grief.



Unique Finance Group

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